


philosophy@LISBON is currently undergoing a reestructuring process. Any queries may be sent to fafonso@edu.ulisboa.pt



1.     The mode of submission is by email attachment (Microsoft Word doc).

2.     In the body of the email, please include your full name, your University or Centre of Research, and the title of your paper. We’ll acknowledge the receipt of your submission also by e-mail.

3.     Papers can be written using the main European languages (Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, Italian, or German).

4.     The papers should include an abstract and keywords.

5.     The paper (included in the email attachment) should be prepared for anonymous refereeing. So please remove any direct or indirect self-identifying references, including your institution.

6.     Papers not prepared for anonymous refereeing will not be read.

7.     Papers will then be sent anonymously to the Advisory Committee to be analysed for publication. 

8.     The judgement for publishing will be notified by the Editorial Committee to the author by e-mail and we’ll guarantee privacy in the decision.

9.     philosophy@lisbon does not retain copies of rejected articles and they will be deleted from our files.

10.  Only Papers on Philosophy will be considered. If the topic of your paper will not fit in the philosophical tradition please consider sending it to another journal.

11.  Papers should be no more than 25.000 words (no spaces included).

12.  It is possible to use images or photos in your papers, but they’ll be published only if they are in the public domain or if you have copyrights to do it. If that is the case, please express it with the © symbol near the legend of the image. philosophy@lisbon cannot be in any case responsible for any legal violation of the author’s rights.

13.  If your paper is accepted for publication you’ll be invited to sign a copyright licence.

14.  If your paper is accepted for publication, the first author should send to the journal his institutional email.

